Lose Weight Fast Blogger
I lost weight by constantly challenging myself to go further. When I first started loosing weight back in September of 2012, I was doing it by walking. I decided I was going to get up off the couch and start walking 2 1/2 miles per day. After walking 2 1/2 miles 5 days per week for several weeks, my body wasn't feel the burn anymore. My muscles were not working as hard because they had gotten used to my workout routine. So what did I do? I challenged myself to get the burn back. I decided to increase my walking distance. Each day, I would walk a few blocks further, eventually working my way up to 5 miles per day. That's when I really started to lose weight fast.  And even though I was loosing weight at a rather rapid pace, I still decided to  challenge myself even the more. After walking 5 miles per day 5 days per week for a few months, I decided I wanted to start running. I knew that if I was losing that much weight just by walking and watching my calories, I would lose even more by running. Plus I used to be a runner in my college days, but strayed away from it.

To take on the challenge of running, I started using this free app called C25K (Couch to 5K).  Basically, the C25K app helps you go from couch potatoe mode to running a 5 k within a short 9 week timeframe. When I started using C25K, I started off slow jogging for 30 seconds at a time. I would run for 30 seconds and walk for 2 minutes. After doing this for a couple of days, I would start running for 60 seconds and walk for 1 1/2 minutes. And I kept doing this, until I was running for 3 straight miles non-stop.  By becoming a runner, my legs and butt started to tone up. Even though I was running at a turtle pace, from the beginning, I felt like superwoman. Running encouraged me. It made me feel like I can do anything...like I could conquer the world.  And the more I challenged myself, the more the weight fell off. So I encourage you to start off slowly. But as you progress along your journey, don't become complacent with doing the same old routine. Change it up. And as you do, you will notice even quicker weight loss. Click here to get more free weight loss tips and advice.